“Writing and Record Keeping in Mesopotamia; Egyptian Love Poetry and Mummies” Please respond to the following:
- Considering Chapter 2(pgs. 41-42), Describe what the Law Code of Hammurabi reveals about Babylonian culture; consider relations between men and women, slaves and freemen.
- Explain whether or not you believe that the punishments listed in the Law Code of Hammurabi “fit” the crimes.
- Considering Chapter 3 and all the wonders of Egypt, what do we know of their everyday life and relationships? We know they had music (p. 84); did you know they had love poetry—probably sung? Some of this poetry is penned by females; others by males. See http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/2000egypt-love.asp and also http://www.humanistictexts.org/egyptlov.htm. As in the Old Testament’s “Song of Songs” (or “Song of Solomon”), the use of “brother” or “sister” in these poems are terms of affection and not of biological relationship. It is best to read these aloud; some lines may bring a chuckle. Identify a line you enjoy from these poems – perhaps even a line you find to be humorous. Describe what this tells you of the ancient Egyptians in comparison with us in the modern day.
- In Chapter 3, there is much discussion of Egyptian ideas about the afterlife, mummification, etc. See page 84, for instance. Compare what you learn on page 84 with this interactive learning site: http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/mummies/explore/main.html. The 70-day mummification process (cf. Gen. 50:1-3) varied a bit over the centuries. Let’s visit online Atlanta’s great Michael Carlos Museum and look at this Website: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/afterlife-ancient-egypt.html. Discuss what they did with the brain and what they did with the heart. Explain and give your thoughts on this.