Take-Home Assignment (2030 P Winter 2014) – worth 20%
DUE DATE: By 5:00 pm on Mar 19 (Five marks will be deducted for late submission and the assignment will not be accepted after 5:00pm on Friday, Mar 21. If you do not hand it in during class, please give it to my secretary, Agnes, in Rm 281 BSB.
You are expected to work on this assignment independently.
This assignment consists of two parts.
Instructions for Part 1 – Library Search
Part 1 is a library search exercise where you are given two key words and you must use these words to search for journal articles or books in the library. The two key words assigned to you are determined by the first letter of your surname as shown below. For instance, if your last name begins with “D”, you must use “age” and “intelligence” as your two key words for searching the required information.
A – schizophrenia and environment B – gender and language development
C – arousal and attention D – age and intelligence
E – infants and separation anxiety F – learned helplessness and control
G – hunger and visual cues H – rehearsal and recall
I – social learning and fear J – child abuse and self-esteem
K – intelligence and job success L – reaction-time and color-coding
M – sleep and cognitive task N – stimulant drug and attention
O – conformity and peer-pressure P – romantic love and culture
Q – locus-of-control and achievement R – aggression and pornography
Sa to Sh – altruism and emergency Si to Sz – punishment and autism
T – imagery and word recall U – exercise and depression
V – relaxation and pain control W – phobia and therapy
X – age and object permanence Y – dreams and psychoanalysis
Z – birth order and intelligence
Be sure to provide full references in this assignment and to use the American Psychological Association (A.P.A.) formatting style for all references. Pay close attention to details such as commas and italics etc. If you are hand-printing the references rather than typing them, the use of underlining instead of italics will be acceptable. You can check out APA formatting on pg. 462 of your text or see www.apastyle.org/index.aspx
Instructions for Part 2 – Analyzing a Research Report
You must first read the published research article called “The sweet smell of…helping: effects of pleasant ambient fragrance on prosocial behavior in shopping malls”, published in Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. There is a direct link to this article on your course website. You will be asked to analyze this study by answering 16 questions that involve research concepts that we have covered in class or that can be found in your
text. Lengthy answers are not required. If you choose not to type your answers, please print your answers legibly.
In the introduction section of the study, they discuss a “preliminary study”. The questions that you must answer DO NOT pertain to this preliminary study. In this preliminary study, Baron (1997) wanted to determine whether fragrance would enhance mood and in turn make mall shoppers more likely to help an accomplice (either giving the accomplice change for $1.00 or picking up his dropped pen). The results of this preliminary study could not be interpreted because all shoppers were asked to rate their mood but only after they were put in a situation where there was the potential for helping an accomplice. Since Williamson and Clark (1989) showed that helping behaviour can enhance positive mood, it’s possible that Baron’s (1997) preliminary findings of increased positive mood was simply a result of the helping behaviour per se and not of the fragrance. As a result, Baron (1997) conducted a “main study” and reported those results. The questions in your assignment refer to this “main study”.
The results section may be confusing and you will probably not be familiar with a loglinear analysis. A loglinear analysis is a statistical technique that is used to analyze frequency data when several independent variables are present. (An ANOVA is inappropriate). I have summarized the pertinent aspects of the results section below, and you need not concern yourself with anything else in the results section.
Summary of Results
Helping Behaviour
A hierarchical loglinear analysis was performed to determine whether fragrance, gender and task order affected helping behaviour. In brief, results showed that a higher percentage of shoppers helped when fragrances were present compared to when they were absent. This finding held true regardless of the shopper’s gender and regardless of the order of the tasks.
Also, a 2 (fragrance) x 2 (gender) x 2 (task order) ANOVA was conducted on self-reported mood. The only variable that significantly affected mood was fragrance, F(1,114)=7.95, p<.01. More specifically, shoppers exposed to the fragrance had a significantly higher positive affect compared to shoppers who were not exposed to the fragrance.
ANSWER BOOKLET (to be handed in)
NAME (print)_________________________________________________
Part 1- Library Search
Your two key words are:
____________________________ and___________________________